A Trick for Around the Clock Weight Loss

Is it possible that the time on the clock can be a primary determinant of the measurement of our waistline?

Let’s start with the basics.  Everyone has a built-in biological clock; in scientific terms, a circadian rhythm.  Humans, by nature are diurnal, meaning we, as a species, are hard-wired to be active during the day and sedentary at night.  More simply put, diurnal is the opposite of nocturnal.  Many of the innate characteristics of different species, including the circadian rhythm, are ...

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Burn Fat 20% Faster Without Working Harder

There’s a big difference between working hard and working smart.  If someone were to offer you a way to complete a task significantly faster without sacrificing the final product, and with no additional effort, would you be interested?

How about if that task was shedding fat?  Now are you interested?  That is just what researchers out of North Umbria University have stumbled up.

In a recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers evaluated ...

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New Year’s Resolution to Exercise More…But What Type of Exercise is Best to Shed Fat Fast?

Plan to overeat this holiday season…check.

Plan to feel guilty about it and resolve to burn off those extra pounds and then some come January 1st…check.

The health clubs will be packed in the coming weeks in the wake of upcoming waistline disaster…the holiday season.  Anxious to regain a body that does not cause us to shudder as we look in the mirror, we will line up at the treadmills and the dumbbell racks.  Spin class ...

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Addicted to Unhealthy Food, and the Secret to Recovery

Have you ever felt like those first few days, weeks, or months on a diet are the hardest?  Or maybe you never even made it to weeks or months.  Maybe those first few days were enough to make you quit.  New research has provided a little insight as to why that may be.

A study published in the December edition of the International Journal of Obesity has revealed that removing yourself from a high fat, sugary diet can in fact ...

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Postmenopausal Dieting Can KILL You

It is important to first off state the obvious; it is well supported that moving towards a healthy weight if overweight or obese has profound implications on the betterment of overall health and survival expectancy.  So what’s with the dramatic headline?  Well, for the purposes of this article, let’s define the word dieting as typical weight loss with subsequent regain, otherwise known as yo-yo dieting.  Multiple sources cite vastly differing statistics as to the percentage of people who regain weight after weight ...

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Insulin’s Dirty Little Secret

Until recently, it has been widely accepted that being overweight or obese creates an environment inside the body that requires the pancreas to produce more and more insulin to process glucose, or blood sugar.  That is until recent research has discovered a more insidious agenda of insulin.  A study in the December 2012 issue of Cell Metabolism provides evidence that high circulating levels of insulin may actually be helping to promote obesity, not the other way around.

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Can You Sleep Your Way Skinny?

You’ve probably heard it before; not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain.  This is true.  But up until now, little was known regarding the etiology of the cycle, or whether there were any differences between men and women.  A research study published in the November issue of Sleep took a look at whether gender differences existed in the relationship between sleep and body weight.

According to Dr. Marie-Pierre St-Onge, the primary researcher on the study, “Restricting sleep ...

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Green Tea: Nature’s Insulin?

Is it possible that simply switching your breakfast beverage from coffee to green tea can have a drastic impact on your health?  Researchers say yes.

Green tea has been in the news repeatedly in the past few years, touting bold claims of its antioxidants, and anti-cancer, anti-aging benefits.  New research is pointing to another benefit; the moderation of blood sugar levels.  A specific ingredient in the tea, epigallocatechin (EGCG), has been linked to reducing blood sugar spikes ...

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The ONE Thing You’ve Never Done That Could Be Crushing Your Weight Loss Hopes

As the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.”  Oddly enough, this might hold true in attempting to lose weight and keep it off.  While counter-intuitive in thought, taking the time to learn proper weight loss and maintenance skills prior to starting a diet may provide better results than going into a diet full steam ahead.  At least that’s what one study out of the Stanford University School of Medicine found.

The study, whose results can be found ...

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Why You Need to Lose Weight…NOW!

Four words can be used to describe this article’s headline; “easier said than done.”  As someone who has walked the walk, losing over 100 pounds in my early twenties, I’ll give myself a little leeway to have an opinion here, but I promise not to overstep my bounds. New research out of the University of Michigan is illuminating some interesting insight into the increased difficulty people have losing weight in correlation to the length of time that they ...

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