What Your Personality Says About Your Waistline…

I refuse to believe that food is the cause of obesity. Food, no matter what edible concoction that is popping into your head, is nothing more than a combination of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, all of which contribute to a total caloric count. The food in your fridge, cupboards, and pantry has not added to the inches swelling around your waistline.

The sequence of decisions that you made that landed those foods into your mouth…now that’s a ...

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Addicted to Unhealthy Food, and the Secret to Recovery

Have you ever felt like those first few days, weeks, or months on a diet are the hardest?  Or maybe you never even made it to weeks or months.  Maybe those first few days were enough to make you quit.  New research has provided a little insight as to why that may be.

A study published in the December edition of the International Journal of Obesity has revealed that removing yourself from a high fat, sugary diet can in fact ...

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