A Trick for Around the Clock Weight Loss

Is it possible that the time on the clock can be a primary determinant of the measurement of our waistline?

Let’s start with the basics.  Everyone has a built-in biological clock; in scientific terms, a circadian rhythm.  Humans, by nature are diurnal, meaning we, as a species, are hard-wired to be active during the day and sedentary at night.  More simply put, diurnal is the opposite of nocturnal.  Many of the innate characteristics of different species, including the circadian rhythm, are ...

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Insulin’s Dirty Little Secret

Until recently, it has been widely accepted that being overweight or obese creates an environment inside the body that requires the pancreas to produce more and more insulin to process glucose, or blood sugar.  That is until recent research has discovered a more insidious agenda of insulin.  A study in the December 2012 issue of Cell Metabolism provides evidence that high circulating levels of insulin may actually be helping to promote obesity, not the other way around.

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Green Tea: Nature’s Insulin?

Is it possible that simply switching your breakfast beverage from coffee to green tea can have a drastic impact on your health?  Researchers say yes.

Green tea has been in the news repeatedly in the past few years, touting bold claims of its antioxidants, and anti-cancer, anti-aging benefits.  New research is pointing to another benefit; the moderation of blood sugar levels.  A specific ingredient in the tea, epigallocatechin (EGCG), has been linked to reducing blood sugar spikes ...

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