Eliminate that “2:30 Feeling” Without an Energy Drink

If you have ever held a 9 to 5 job, then you know exactly what I am talking about. The “fog and grog.” In other words, that mental “fog” that prevents effective and efficient brain function, causing even the simplest of tasks to seem like you’re trying to decipher Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. And that “grog”, the frequent yawning, heavy eyelids, “I just want to close my eyes for a few minutes” feeling.

If you have turned ...

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Can You Sleep Your Way Skinny?

You’ve probably heard it before; not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain.  This is true.  But up until now, little was known regarding the etiology of the cycle, or whether there were any differences between men and women.  A research study published in the November issue of Sleep took a look at whether gender differences existed in the relationship between sleep and body weight.

According to Dr. Marie-Pierre St-Onge, the primary researcher on the study, “Restricting sleep ...

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Losing Sleep Over Diabetes, or Losing Sleep and Becoming Diabetic?

I can remember a time when diabetes was a disease limited to the unlucky one student in the classroom.  Today’s era of rising obesity rates seem to walk hand-in-hand with the threat that you, your spouse, a parent, or your child may very well be facing this threat as I write this article.  In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, each year another 1.9 million Americans will be diagnosed.  That’s 5082 people each day.  One every 17 ...

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