Twelve Ounces Closer to Diabetes

Drinking excessive amounts of sugar-sweetened beverages can lead to obesity.  Obesity is known to increase your chances of type 2 diabetes.  There is no ground-breaking news there.  However, recent research has indicated that these beverages, even in small amounts, can increases your chances of becoming diabetic significantly, absolutely independent of what your body weight is.

A study published in Diabetologia, the journal published by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, examined over 250,000 participants, and ...

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A Trick for Around the Clock Weight Loss

Is it possible that the time on the clock can be a primary determinant of the measurement of our waistline?

Let’s start with the basics.  Everyone has a built-in biological clock; in scientific terms, a circadian rhythm.  Humans, by nature are diurnal, meaning we, as a species, are hard-wired to be active during the day and sedentary at night.  More simply put, diurnal is the opposite of nocturnal.  Many of the innate characteristics of different species, including the circadian rhythm, are ...

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